History and Memories: Follow Orange Hearts

Orange hearts are gateways to tales, legends and the daily life of a time gone by. They represent a journey through memory, a path among the monuments that have marked the history and identity of our beloved village.

The churches, with their silent but eloquent architecture, speak the language of art and devotion, recounting centuries of faith, hope and community. Every stone, every fresco is a chapter of a spiritual epic that accompanied the happy and dark moments of our ancestors.

But among these orange hearts, one shines its own light: the birthplace of Antonio Genovesi.

More than a building, it is a monument to the intellect, passion and courage of a man who dared to challenge the thinking of his time, influencing generations and the very course of our history. His home is an invitation to remember, to reflect and, above all, to find inspiration for the future.

These places, however, are not just legacies of the past. They are a living part of our community, witnesses to our evolution and pillars of our identity.

To visit them is to connect with our roots, to understand where we came from and, perhaps, to catch a glimpse of where we are going.

We therefore invite residents and visitors to follow the orange hearts, to immerse themselves in our stories and to share in the experience of discovery and wonder. For each monument, each place of memory, is a piece of the mosaic of Castiglione del Genovesi, a mosaic that together we continue to create and cherish.

Begin now your journey into the roots and great legacy of this unique community!

Ready to experience an unforgettable journey through the history, art and traditions of Castiglione del Genovesi?

Open our "Map of the Heart" and let colorful hearts guide you to unique and authentic experiences.

Each heart is a story, a discovery, an emotion.

Start your adventure in the heart of our village now!
